Page 5 - Capability Statement
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Design & Engineering

           Our design and engineering services prioritise      Level 3 Design Capabilities
           precision and innovation. We help our clients develop
           resilient and scalable electrical infrastructure that   • Urban residential, commercial, and industrial
           improve operational reliability and sustainability.   subdivisions
                                                               • Urban commercial and industrial connections
           Addelec’s experienced engineers specialise in        of load
           comprehensive electrical system planning, detailed
                                                               • Rural connections
           arc flash execution, discrimination, and harmonic
           studies to tailor solutions that meet specific client   • Electricity network asset relocations
           needs while complying with all regulatory standards.   • Major (high voltage) customer connections
                                                               • Public lighting design
                                                               • Public and private networks
                                                               • Low voltage design
                                                               • Protection design


           Addelec offers comprehensive installation services   Low Voltage Services
           for both the public and private sectors. As an
           authorised entity for level 1 and 2 contestable works   • LV generator and change-over
           on distribution networks, our skilled and experienced    switch installation
           team manages projects from inception to             • Plant and equipment installation,
           completion. We service established brownfield and    including control and instrumentation
           greenfield sites throughout the project lifecycle.
                                                               • Switchboard installation
           High Voltage Services                               • VSD and PFC installations

           • Switchroom and switchyard installation            Value-Added Services
           • Cable jointing, termination and maintenance
                                                               • Project management
            (up to 132kv)
                                                               • Management of materials
           • Aerial and underground installation
            and termination                                    • Off-site preparation, including factory
                                                                builds and panel wiring
           • Switching plan preparation
                                                               • Site preparation with experienced
           • HV Switching
                                                                in-house civil crew
           • Switchboard installation

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