Page 16 - Capability Statement
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           Addelec take care of every aspect of your EV
           charging project, from grid connection,
           planning, and design to installing EV
           chargers. Whether establishing a new EV hub
           or integrating EV chargers into existing sites,
           Addelec manages the entire process
           seamlessly, a testament to our successful
           track record across Australia.

                   Concept & Planning                                  Construction
                   We undertake a comprehensive analysis,              We manage every aspect of the
                   evaluating the accessibility of the HV and          construction process including conducting
                   LV networks and identifying optimal                 civil works, installing the electrical
                   locations for charger and substation                infrastructure, installing and commissioning
                   installations, ensuring a detailed and              the charging stations, bay painting signage
                   actionable plan is in place.                        and safety bollards.

                   Design                                              Transparent Project Workflow
                   We’ll guarantee that each design adheres            As your principal contractor, Addelec
                   to the applicable standards and is                  ensures a streamlined communication
                   delivered promptly and accurately.                  process, keeping you informed at every
                                                                       project phase. From initial planning to
                   Legal                                               installation and completion, our
                                                                       commitment to efficiency, safety, and
                   We collaborate with local electricity
                                                                       effectiveness guarantees your project stays
                   suppliers to ensure a smooth and efficient
                                                                       on schedule.
                   installation of your connection, assisting in
                   securing all necessary planning
                   permissions and paperwork to streamline
                   the process.

                   We are equipped to handle all architectural         Our comprehensive services are designed
                   tasks required to facilitate the installation of    for ease of progress tracking and timely
                   your charging point.                                execution. Addelec offers a unique
                                                                       one-stop shop for EV charging projects.
                   Earthworks                                          You avoid juggling multiple contractors
                                                                       with us, ensuring smoother communication
                   Our team is adept at conducting necessary
                                                                       and more efficient, professional project
                   earthing operations for subterranean
                   cabling, enabling the installation of both HV
                   and LV cables. We undertake a customised
                   earthing study to guarantee
                   comprehensive design details before
                   seeking approval from the electricity
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