Page 17 - Capability Statement
P. 17

Load Management,

           Battery Storage & Solar

           Addelec is dedicated to maximising the
           efficiency and performance of multiple EV
           charging points through advanced load
           management techniques. We are
           committed to providing cost-effective and
           efficient EV charging solutions, preparing for
           future expansions and advancements in
           electric mobility. Our partnership with
           eLumina enhances our ability to integrate
           innovative battery storage systems and solar

                   Advanced Load Management                            Preparation for Future Needs
                   Our team uses advanced techniques to                We implement scalable solutions like load
                   ensure optimal performance and efficiency           management that are adaptable, meeting
                   across multiple charging points. This               both current and future EV charging
                   approach guarantees that each charging              demands. Adding battery storage and/or
                   station operates at peak capacity.                  solar is another scalable solution that can
                                                                       grow with the building's EV charging and
                   Infrastructure Assessment                           other energy demands.

                   Part of our work involves analysing the
                                                                       Peak Time Shaving
                   existing electrical infrastructure, the
                   building load requirements, and the                 By utilising battery storage, we can reduce
                   charging requirements to apply the most             peak electricity usage, taking advantage of
                   effective load management strategies. If            lower off-peak rates and solar when
                   space and budget allow, this could include          available for more energy-efficient building
                   battery storage and/or solar.                       and EV charging systems.

                   Efficient Distribution                              Microgrids
                   We efficiently distribute the electrical            By combining solar power with battery
                   supply among all charging points to ensure          storage, we can create self-sustaining
                   each charger operates effectively.                  microgrids that provide reliable electricity,
                                                                       particularly in remote areas or end-of-grid
                   Optimisation of Infrastructure                      locations.
                   Addelec excel in optimising existing
                   infrastructure to avoid costly upgrades,
                   using intelligent load management
                   systems that adapt to real-time demands.

                   Scalable Solutions
                   We implement adaptable solutions like
                   adaptable load management and meeting
                   current and future EV charging demands.
                   Adding battery storage and/or solar is
                   another scalable solution that can grow
                   with the buildings EV charging and other
                   energy demands.
                                                                                              Addelec Capability Statement | 16
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