Will a DC Charger Hurt Your Car Battery? 

Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming an increasingly popular sight on Australian roads, thanks to a combination of environmental concerns, technological advancements, and supportive government policies.  

The EV charging infrastructure in Australia has expanded significantly to meet this growing demand. With various charging options available, EV owners have more flexibility than ever. They can charge their vehicles at home, in public stations, and on fast-charging networks. With these developments, long-distance EV travel is now more feasible and convenient. 

However, a common cause of concern is choosing between AC and DC charging options. Many owners worry about the impact on their car’s battery life and overall efficiency, especially regarding the more rapid DC chargers. 

This article aims to explore the realities of DC charging, address concerns about potential battery damage, and highlight how it fits into the broader field of EV technology in Australia.  

For those seeking a reliable and sustainable EV charging solution, Addelec offers expert services that meet your unique needs. We can help you implement an efficient and future-proof EV charging infrastructure. 

What is DC Fast Charging? 

DC fast charging, also known as direct current fast charging, provides a rapid charging solution for electric vehicles. This is different from the standard AC (alternating current) charging system, which typically uses the vehicle's onboard converter to change AC from the power grid into DC power usable by the battery.  

DC chargers supply power directly to the vehicle's battery via a controlled mechanism that bypasses the car's onboard charger. This method allows for much faster charging speeds. Depending on the battery capacity, the cars maximum power input rating, and the charger's output, a DC charger can deliver 80% battery charge in just 20-30 minutes. 

How DC Charging Differs from AC Charging 

The primary difference between AC and DC charging lies in the speed and method of delivery. AC chargers are more common in residential settings due to their lower cost and simplicity. They typically deliver between 2 to 22 kW of power and are ideal for overnight charging. These chargers are categorised into two levels based on their power output: 

      • Level 1 AC Charging
        This is the most basic form of charging, using a standard household outlet, typically 10A.

        It provides a slow charge, typically adding about 10km’s of range per hour, making it suitable for overnight use or topping off the EV battery. 

      • Level 2 AC Charging
        Offering a faster charging speed, Level 2 chargers use a higher voltage 15A-32A and can deliver anywhere from 20 to 80 km’s of range per hour of charging. These are common in residential garages, public parking areas, and workplaces. They’re a practical solution for daily use without the long wait times associated with Level 1 chargers.

        In contrast, DC chargers are more powerful, offering anywhere from 25 kW to over 350 kW. This substantial power boost significantly reduces charging time, making DC chargers ideal for use in commercial and highway locations where quick charging is necessary to continue a journey. 

        DC charging is often referred to in terms of levels as well: 

      • Level 3 DC Charging or DC Fast Charging

        This level includes chargers that offer power outputs starting at 25 kW and can go up to 350 kW or more. These chargers can add 150 to 1000 miles of range in just 20 minutes of charging. For EV owners, these chargers are invaluable for long-distance travel and busy urban settings where time is at a premium. For areas where there are power constraints, Addelec has you covered with the eLumina all in one battery backed DC charger, offering a maximum kW output of 204kW (160kW maximum single output), this revolutionary charger is ideal for locations that require Level 3 DC charging but do not have adequate power.  

        The choice between AC and DC charging generally depends on the specific needs of the vehicle owner, such as the type of vehicle, the typical daily mileage, and access to charging facilities. 

        For instance, Level 1 or Level 2 AC charging is sufficient for regular daily use and overnight charging. However, DC fast charging is essential for rapidly replenishing the battery's charge during longer journeys or for drivers who need a quick recharge to continue their travels. 

Why People Think DC Charging Might Hurt the Battery 

EV owners commonly worry that frequent use of DC fast charging might lead to premature battery degradation. This is because the rapid charging process generates more heat and can strain the battery more than slower, regular charging sessions. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures and rapid charging cycles can potentially affect the battery's longevity and efficiency. 

Despite these concerns, it's important to note that modern EVs are increasingly equipped with advanced battery management systems (BMS). These are designed specifically to mitigate these risks. These systems monitor the battery’s temperature, voltage, and charge level in real-time. They adjust the charging rate or even stop it if necessary to prevent overheating and maintain battery health. 

In addition, most EV manufacturers design their vehicles' batteries to handle occasional fast charging without significant degradation. They often recommend a mix of charging methods, where fast charging is used judiciously, complemented by regular overnight AC charging. This strategy helps balance the need for quick refills to preserve long-term battery health. 

In practice, while there is some truth to the concerns about battery wear from DC fast charging, the impact can be greatly mitigated by proper usage patterns and the sophisticated technology built into modern electric vehicles.  

EV owners are advised to consult their user manuals and follow manufacturer guidelines for the best results in managing battery health while enjoying the benefits of fast charging when needed. 

The Benefits of DC Charging 

The benefits of DC fast charging are significant, especially for drivers who need quick recharges during long trips or for commercial vehicles that cannot afford long downtimes. In addition, DC chargers also offer the following benefits: 

Accessibility and Convenience 
DC charging stations enhance the feasibility of owning an EV for people without access to home charging. They provide essential services in urban areas and public spaces. This accessibility alleviates “range anxiety” or the fear that the EV will run out of battery power before reaching a charging station. 

Improving Public and Commercial Infrastructure 
DC charging stations play a crucial role in developing an EV ecosystem. For businesses, offering fast charging can attract EV drivers who might spend more time and money at their location while their vehicle charges.  

For cities and communities, deploying DC charging infrastructure is an integral part of urban planning. It contributes to environmental sustainability efforts and improves the quality of urban living by reducing emissions and dependence on fossil fuels. 

Economic Opportunities 
Installing DC fast chargers can also create new economic opportunities for businesses. Stations located at retail locations, restaurants, or entertainment venues can increase dwell time, as drivers wait for their vehicles to charge. This can lead to increased spending at these venues, potentially providing additional revenue streams and enhancing customer satisfaction. 

How Addelec Can Help 

Addelec provides advanced EV charging solutions, including DC fast chargers. With a focus on integrating cutting-edge technology and robust support and maintenance services, Addelec can assist businesses and public institutions in deploying fast-charging infrastructure that is safe, efficient, and tailored to the specific needs of their clientele.  

Our expert team offers comprehensive consultation, installation, and maintenance services, ensuring that each charging station operates optimally and continues to do so with minimal downtime. Our expertise in both AC and DC charging solutions makes us a valuable partner in advancing Australia's EV capabilities. 

For additional information, please visit the Addelec website or contact our customer service team on 1300 795 262.